The Inner Smile

Martin Josuweit
6 min readAug 4, 2020

Today´s story I would like to devote to something all of us can do but usually do not do it often enough in our everyday life — smiling!

A genuine, authentic and true smile holds an enormous power. It is a sign of love and a transmitter of energy. It is warming and healing like music. Smiling delivers happiness into the life of others and while doing it, oneself is living a happy and healthy life. Like with all the good things in life sharing it will double it instead of decreasing it.

Happy equals healthy and sad equals ill. This way to smile could be a preventive AND also a curative medicine… So why aren´t we smiling to ourself more often?… It would assure us Health, Bliss, Luck and also a long life. Smiling is like taking a bath in pure love…

Nowadays a collapse or breakdown is imputed to a physically weak body. BUT the real culprit is an overstrained mind. The sad truth is that the most people don´t even know where the internal organs are located and even less, which shape, form, size, look and function they have…

We believe to be satisfied after a good and delicious meal, but our bowels rebel against us, because we eat too much… So we do not hear or do not listen to the subtle messages of our organs.

We invest time, energy and money to present our appearance, our external, and maltreat our internal. The most people are astonishingly talented to persuade themselves that their health is not depending on their behavior. But everything that happens in our mind (thoughts, emotions), also affects our internal organs. So our body actually is a filter and repository for our perceptions, sensations, feelings and our thinking.

Two interesting facts: 1. Problems never occur over night! 2. Our internal organs continue their work even if we don´t think at all. But the other way round our life will be in danger!

Well, that was a long introduction and now it´s time to focus on the main topic of today´s story, the “inner smile”.

Yesterday I talked about Qi-Meditation and that the first thing we should provide is a calm, quiet and peaceful room. Noe the same quietness and calmness we should create in ourselfs. To simply relax is not enough. We need to create a feeling of inner peace. How can we achieve this? We need to relax our internal organs through the “inner smile”.

Now I would like to give you a kind of instruction or tutorial for the “inner smile”, though it is not an easy thing to explain.

Start with the eyes by closing them and filling them with a radiant or brilliant smile. Relax and feel how this deep smile is radiating through your eyes. The connection between your eyes and the nervous system controls emotions as well as physical reactions. And to relax the eyes with inner smiling, frees the mind from its tensions. (that´s why visual relaxation and concentrativeness are mutual prerequisites.)

Once you feel and sense your eyes tingle and prick from the smiling, start to guide this wonderful energy downwards inside your body and fill your internal organs with this energy of love.

The smile should run as effortlessly as water from your eyes through the internal organs towards your genital organs. On its way downwards send the smile into your jaw where a lot of tensions are manifest. If your jaw relaxes, tensions in the whole body will loosen too. Close the magpie-bridge (you already know how to do that, otherwise go and read yesterdays story). You reach your neck, which is the bridge between brain and body. So if your neck looks like a traffic jam, also the messages between brain and body will be all confused.

Then smile into your heart, it is the main transformer of Qi (besides the kidneys). It can increase the volume of the Qi that´s available and also improve, enhance and refine its quality. Because the arteries belong to Yang, while the veins are related to Yin, the energy of the inner smile is filling the heart with love and increase the blood circulation and the exchange of Yin and Yang in the blood. Your heart then may feel cool and calm.

Coming from the heart smile into the lungs. Feel them soften and visualize how the respiratory air is illuminating your internal. Then smile into your liver. Smile her back to life and rejuvenate it.

Then smile into your kidneys. Fill them with love. Like the heart the kidneys are stimulating the Qi Flow.

Let your smile run through your pancreas and spleen to your navel and stay there for a while.

The inner smile is relieving the work of the internal organs, potentiate their work and “makes them happy”.

Then smile into your eyes again and from there down into your mouth. Move your tongue around and collect saliva. When your mouth is filled with it, close the magpie bridge, then swallow this so called “Goldwater” and follow its way downwards into your stomach and to the navel. From there expand the energy of the inner smile into your small- and large intestine until they are all filled with it.

Once again smile into your eyes. From there you smile into your tongue and then inside of the spine downwards. visualize the seven cervical, the twelve thoracic, the five lumbar, the sacrum and the tailbone. The spine is protecting your CNS (Central Nervous System) and enhancing the Qi-circulation.

Finally collect the energy of your inner smile in your navel area. Concentrate your focus on this region and imagine how the energy is rotating in 24 spiral-turns from the Xia Dan Tian to the navel. (Women clockwise, man anticlockwise). Then rotate it 24 times in the opposite direction.

Practice the inner smile every day! It will change your life for the good. All negative things will rebound on it and you will feel well everywhere.

Your body is your home you live in it wherever you are. It is a collective of devotedly working members that need respect and care. Give love to them through inner smiling and they will gift you with a new body.

Smile at yourself wherever you go and smile to everything you encounter and meet! If you like I have a challenge for you: Try a little experiment. On your next visit in the city, you will encounter countless strangers. Usually an automatic or subconcsious program is getting started once you lay your eyes on somebody you approach. Without knowing that person you judge it as friendly or unfriendly, beautyful or “not worth a second look”. And what only few know is, that this procedure is running TWO ways if the other person looks at you too, what you think or how you judge that person will mirror in her/him. So instead of being hostage to this unconscious routine, I want you to instantly and actively find something on each encountered person, that you like or find likable, friendly and nice. It doesn´t matter what it is or how small it is, just find something likable! (i.e.: The haircut, the colour of the shoes or the shirt, a bracelet, the shape of face and/or figure,…)

Then something magical will happen! From this small thing you like you will find that you instantly like the whole person and if you continue with this, you will find out that your world is filled with only friendly and nice people. And not only that, you will even impress all these people as a friendly and nice person too. Believe me, this little experiment alone has the power to shift and change your life in a wonderful, incredible and positive way!

So start to experiment right away!…



Martin Josuweit

I live and work in Germany, in the beautyful Harz-Mountains. I am a certified Health Practitioner, a Personal Trainer, Coach and a Teacher for medical Qigong.